Through the years we have heard how lead found in a home or commercial building can pose a health risk, especially to babies and children. What do we really know about lead and how dangerous is it?

  • If you have an older building that is around 40 yrs old or more, it is likely to have been painted with lead paint. Both the inside as well as the exterior of the house can have lead paint.
  • Old furniture may also contain lead paint.
  • The soil around your home may also contain lead due to dust from paint or paint chips.
  • It is possible that your drinking water could contain lead as some plumbing systems could have lead pipes or solder.
  • If you work with lead, you could be bringing some back on your clothing and hands without realizing it.

When does lead pose a danger?

If your lead paint is in very good shape, then its not really a hazard. However, when the paint is peeling or chipping, its time to do something about it and quickly.

Lead dust is a big hazard as well and unlike paint chips which are easy to see, lead dust is not always. Lead dust is created when the paint is bumped or scraped, and of course when sanded. This dust can settle on other surfaces where people, especially children can touch and inhale.

Walking in from outside with shoes on may also pose a risk, as soil containing lead can be walked in.

If you feel concerned about whether your home or commercial building contains lead paint, don’t hesitate to contact us.

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